EC2 Spot Instance Market Analysis -

EC2 Spot Instance Market Analysis

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Ever wondered how your Spot Instance distribution measures against the collective market? Which regions have more interruptions? Which AZs are the most popular? Well, in Spotinst you can see it all in real-time, as we aggregate anonymized data from thousands of Spotinst users to give you a high-level view of how the market is trending in terms of server distribution, Spot interruptions, average lifetime of Spot Instances, and Instance Types.

This will also give you a better understanding of how Spotinst determines when to shift your workloads and why.

EC2 Spot Instance Interruption Rates

This shows you the interruption rates of Spot Instances across all Spot Markets (based on anonymized usage data from over 1500 Spotinst customers).

EC2 Spot Instance Interruption Rate Analysis

Your EC2 Spot Clusters’ Distribution

This shows you how your own instances are actually distributed across Spot markets.

EC2 Spot Instance Distribution in Cluster

EC2 Spot Instance Average Lifetime

This shows you the average lifetime of Spot Instances (based on anonymized usage data from over 1500 Spotinst customers).

EC2 Spot Instance Average Lifetime Analysis

All EC2 Spot Instances Under Management 

This shows you a real-time view of the Instance Types and families that are currently being managed by Spotinst worldwide.

EC2 Spot Instances being monitored by Spot around the world.

This is available now for all Spotinst Elastigroup customers! Just select an Elastigroup, and then click “Spot Markets” to access it!