Cluster shutdown hours is now available with Spotinst Ocean for Kubernetes -

Cluster shutdown hours is now available with Spotinst Ocean for Kubernetes

Spotinst Ocean is an all-in-one solution for Kubernetes cluster management, and therefor, the platform’s capabilities are continuously evolving, along with engineering teams’ requirements. 

One of the capabilities sought after by many of our customers, is the ability to control when a workload is available, and when it is scaled down completely. Today, we are happy to announce the release of the latest update to Spotinst Ocean for Kubernetes: Shutdown Hours.

So far, Spotinst Ocean Kubernetes clusters were running continuously, without the option to specify “off hours” during which the cluster can scale down completely, terminating all nodes. 

With the addition of Shutdown Hours, customers can set specific time windows during which the cluster will shut down, thus increasing savings by reducing compute costs during off-hours.In practical terms, that means that all Kubernetes Nodes will be drained and terminated, and any cluster scaling activity will be suspended. For the duration of the specified time windows, no nodes will be launched by Spotinst Ocean. Once the Shutdown time window is over, Spotinst Ocean will scale up and resume regular activity.


Shutdown Hours is available now via UI and API under “Customize Scaling” for both AWS and GKE users.