January 2016 Release Notes - Spot.io

January 2016 Release Notes

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear spotters! Here at Spotinst we are working and innovating non-stop on new features and products based on your feedbacks.

Every few weeks we will update and share all about the latest news, improvements, future plans and more!

If you like our newsletter, please share it with your friends and stay tuned for more!


Terraform Support

Following our recent support in AWS CloudFormation templates (Check it out on Github!), we are happy to introduce our plugin for Terraform as we join the Terraform official providers.

With Spotinst’s Terraform plugin, you can easily integrate your Terraform templates with Spotinst.
You can create, manage, update, and delete your Terraform templates.


Elastigroup Monitoring Section

We’ve added a brand new monitoring section to the Elastigroup screen. Visual charts with useful data such as your Load Balancers metrics. This kind of helpful information will gives you the tools to control your cluster the right way.


Scaling Policies Metrics Chart

Controlling your scaling activities has never been so easy! With Spotinst’s new scaling policies metrics chart, you are now able to track and control your application load and trends. Achieve a better understanding of your cluster’s activity.


Activity Event Bullets

Knowledge is power. Analyzing your group’s activity constantly is important to improve your application infrastructure. Our new event bullets will show you every change in your Elastigroup capacity, those blue bullets will be shown on your group’s activity chart whenever a change happens. More information about the change that occurred will pop up while hovering over each bullet. For example, Scale up or down, instance termination, spot replacement, etc.



EMR Breakthrough! – Autoscaling for Spot Task Nodes

04b46fad-917f-449d-a91f-ac7fdd64d303We are happy to announce our new EMR ClusterScaler, which gives you the ability to make an elastic use of Task Nodes within an existing EMR Cluster. You can define a desired target and capacity range for Task Nodes, select multiple instance types, sizes, and of course, CloudWatch alarms for scaling up and down EC2 instances based on your business rules or load.



Import your AWS Autoscaling groups’ configuration


From now on, you can easily convert an existing Autoscaling Group or Beanstalk environment into an Elastigrop in a single click.

Read more in our Blog

Running stateful mission-critical applications?

Two minutes is not enough? Spotinst’s

Prediction Algorithm presents: “The Draining Zone”

Starting from now, you can define your own customized timeout for alerts before terminating an instance in your Elastigroup.



Scheduled Capacity

You can now schedule your Elastigroup’s capacity in response to your application predictable load changes. For example, If you know about specific hours where your load is higher than usual, you can create pre ahead scale tasks that will automatically change your capacity according to your application load prediction.

That’s all folks!

The Spotinst Team.