November 2015 Release Notes -

November 2015 Release Notes

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hey folks! Here at Spotinst, we are working non-stop on new features for you.

Every few weeks we will update and share all about the latest new features, improvements, future plans and more!

If you like our newsletter, please share it with your friends and stay tuned for more!


A 2_rancher-logoBrand New Rancher Integration

Now you can run Rancher’s containers over Spotinst’s infrastructure seamlessly. This new native integration will take care of managing your infrastructure so no session/request will ever be lost.



Schedule your ElastiGroup tasks

Need an automated control on your AWS instances? our new Task Scheduling gives you the freedom to spin up and take down instances whenever you want. one cron expression away and you’re all set!


NOTE: Pay attention that all jobs are triggered in UTC time and are UNIX formatted.


We Support I2 Spot Instances!

Amazon’s EC2 High I/O Instances are now available as Spot Instances in our dashboard. check your ElastiGroup settings for more information.



Zoom is Supported in Group Activity Chart

Now you can easily zoom in on specific timeframes for closer analysis!



Health6_heartCheck + GracePeriod

With our new HealthCheck feature you can be sure that all instances registered to your ELB are in service and healthy. In case one of them doesn’t respond in the defined grace period (indicating its lack of health) – we will spin up a replacement instance for you.


7_networkPrivate IP

You can now define dedicated, private IP for your single-instance group in the Spotinst UI. In the event of instance replacement, the new instance will get the same IP address, keeping things smooth for all users.


NOTE: HealthCheck – marked in blue | Private IP – marked in orange


Network I/O Metrics

New metrics are now available in the group’s ‘Statistics’ view where in addition to ‘CPU Utilization’ you can also see the average Network I/O per instance type.


That’s all folks!
The Spotinst Team.