Spotinst launches autonomous container service -

Spotinst launches autonomous container service

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SAN FRANCISCO, CA – May 2, 2018 – Today, Spotinst launched its Container Service technology (MCS), which integrates with containers orchestrations layers (e.g Kubernetes) to let developers and DevOps engineers run clusters of containers without managing the underlying infrastructure.

Provisioning, managing, and scaling the underlying infrastructure of containers is complex and results in significant overhead incurred by DevOps engineers.

Spotinst MCS is a layer that resides between the container orchestration layer and the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider.

  • Pod driven autoscaling – Machine size is determined by the pod Deployment parameters; automatically launched by Elastigroup.
  • Heterogenous scaling – Utilizing multiple Instance Types & GPU
  • Pay 70-80% less on compute using Preemptible VMs (with graceful 24hrs replacement & Fall-back to On-Demand VMs).
  • Enhanced monitoring & auto-healing capabilities

It leverages technology that continuously monitors performance and available resources, scales infrastructure up to accommodate for incoming containers, and scales infrastructure down when it is underutilized.

Spotinst MCS augments Spotinst’s flagship product – Elastigroup; an intelligent cluster management system that enables DevOps engineers to save up to 80% on compute costs, by maintaining excess capacity as the underlying infrastructure. Elastigroup achieves high availability by leveraging predictive algorithms and smart resource allocation, and can seamlessly migrate containers between Spot and On-Demand instances when capacity is scarce.

Ticketmaster is using MCS to minimize infrastructure costs and reduce cluster management overhead.

“Spotinst MCS was the nirvana we were looking for in managing our complex Kubernetes environments. It reduced our costs by 80% overnight.”

said Shane Savoie, Chief Architect at Ticketmaster.

ClearCare, a health-tech startup based in San Francisco, has achieved 80% cost savings by running their workloads with Spotinst Elastigroup. Within a day of using MCS, the company was able to reduce their costs by an additional 60%. “It was really an out of the box solution,” says Glenn Poston, engineering manager at Clear care. “All we had to do was turn it on and we were done.”

“At Spotinst, our goal is to liberate Devops engineers by making running compute in the cloud as simple and as cost-effective as possible.” says Amiram Shachar, Spotinst Founder & CEO. “The release of MCS means that in addition to enabling workloads to run on excess cloud capacity, our customers can now leave the complex task of optimally scaling capacity based on the nature of the workload to us.”

Spotinst MCS is generally available to all Spotinst customers today. Visit the Spotinst MCS webpage to learn more about MCS, or navigate to the Spotinst console to get started.