That’s a wrap! re:Invent 2020 -

That’s a wrap! re:Invent 2020

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AWS’s annual re:Invent wrapped up this week, and although we didn’t get to see customers, colleagues and friends in Las Vegas this year, it was still an eventful three weeks. Spot by NetApp sponsored the virtual conference and hosted a number of activities including our AWS JAM session on Kubernetes and infrastructure scaling, an expert session on cloud compute optimization, and an interview with Spot by NetApp’s CEO and founder, Amiram Shachar. In addition to the virtual events, it wouldn’t be a re:Invent without a few announcements. Read on to learn more about the new additions to Spot’s products and offerings:

Keeping up with AWS

As they’ve done in past re:Invents,  AWS made some announcements that are relevant to our customers. In order to ensure our customer can benefit from these new AWS services and features, Spot’s R&D made quick work of rolling out full support for:

  • GP3 EBS volumes are a less expensive, but higher-performing storage volume that Spot customers can now leverage on Elastigroup, which provisions and manages EBS volumes for EC2 instances
  • New instance types (D3, D3en, R5b, M5zn) can now be utilized on Elastigroup and Ocean

Read more about how Spot is supporting these new services and features.

Cloud Analyzer for MSPs

As more and more companies move to the cloud, many turn to managed service providers to help leverage the cloud with expert services. AWS has over 140 official MSPs, which handle the day-to-day operations of managing cloud workloads for hundreds of clients, including cost management and optimization. Now, Spot is offering these MSPs an easier way to drive more value for these customers with our new offering, Cloud Analyzer for MSPs. Announced during the first week of re:Invent, this new version of Cloud Analyzer specifically addresses the unique needs of Cloud MSPs, allowing them to get detailed cost data for each of their clients.

Learn more about Spot’s Cloud Analyzer for Managed Services Providers

Spot integrated into AWS Control Tower

Spot continues to strengthen our partnership with AWS, first with Spot’s Ocean designation as an AWS Outposts Ready Partner, and now with a new integration with AWS Control Tower, which allows customers to provision new accounts with just a few clicks and set up complex, multi-account cloud environments.  The integration of Spot’s cost management solutions with AWS Control tower will help customers proactively monitor and optimizes their cloud spend, from account setup and on. With this new integration, users have a streamlined process to set up both an AWS member account and a Spot account simultaneously, ensuring accounts are consistent across both tools.

For more details and to get started, check out the AWS implementation guide for using the Spot by NetApp and AWS Control Tower integration.