Ensure availability and optimize costs for containers
Ocean automates cloud infrastructure for containers. It continuously analyzes how your containers are using infrastructure, automatically scaling compute resources to maximize utilization and availability utilizing the optimal blend of spot, reserved and on-demand compute instances.
Automation yields continuous optimization
See what savings lie under the surface of your Kubernetes cluster with Ocean Insights
With just read-only permissions to connect to your Kubernetes cluster, Ocean Insights performs analysis on your cloud costs and resource utilization. Before spinning up even a single instance, you’ll see the full impact of Ocean for managing, scaling and provisioning your container infrastructure inthe cloud.
Additional resources
Ocean explained: Ocean controller deepdive
As a managed data plane service for containerized applications, Spot Ocean provides a severless experience for running containers in the…
Ocean AKS: Serverless Kubernetes for Azure
Are you wondering if you are making the right node selections for your AKS cluster with hundreds of applications?
AKS Day 2 management made easy
You’ve deployed your Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) cluster into production. Now what? Deploying AKS clusters is cause for celebration, but…